ITNOP - 2020 → Participants


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  • Vladimir Petrovich Pashincev, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Stavropol)
  • Sergey Matorin, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Belgorod)
    “SoftConnect” CJSC, Professor
  • Viktoria Khalimon, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (St. Petersburg)
    Department of System and Analysis SPbGTI(TU), Dr Sci (Eng.), Professor
  • Alexander Vasilievich Glushak, professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Belgorod)
    NRU "BelSU", professor
  • dr.Nashwan Saeed M. G. Al-Thobhani, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Sana'a)
    University of Modern Science (UMS), Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
  • Reschetilowski Wladimir, professor, доктор наук (Dresden)
    TU Dresden, professor
  • Alexander Vasiljewich Koskin, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
    Orel State University after I.S.Turgenev, Director of the Department of Informatization and Prospective Development
  • Oleg Lankin, associate professor, доктор наук (Voronezh)
    Of VIPs ( branch) Academies of the FSO of Russia, Head of the Department
  • Igor Petrovich Polovinkin, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
    Voronezh State University, professor
  • Alexander Vasil'evich Loboda, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
    Voronezh State Technical University, professor