ITNOP - 2020 → Participants → Город: Воронеж
Город: Воронеж
Alexander Anatolievich Sirota, professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Voronezh )
Voronezh State University, Head of department
Valeri Vladimirovich Obukhovskii, professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Head of the Chair of Higher Mathematics
Oleg Lankin, associate professor, доктор наук (Voronezh)
Of VIPs ( branch) Academies of the FSO of Russia, Head of the Department
Igor Petrovich Polovinkin, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
Voronezh State University, professor
Elina Leonidovna Shishkina, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
Voronezh State University, Professor
Elena Vladimirovna Raetskaya, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
"Voronezh State Forestry University n.a. G.F. Morozov", Associate Professor, Department of Mathematic
Natalia Borisovna Uskova, associate professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
VSTU, dosent
Andrey Muravnik, доктор наук (Voronezh)
JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”, project manager
Alexander Nikolaevich Shelkovoy, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences ( Voronezh)
Voronezh State Technical University, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physical and Mathematical Modeling
Vladimir Uskov, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Assistant Lecturer