ISiT → Ethics of scientific publications

Information Systems and Technologies

Ethics of scientific publications

The journal “Information Systems and Technologies” is guided in its activities by ethical norms adopted in the scientific community, in particular, the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Council of Ethics of the Association of scientific editors and publishers (ASEP).

Particular attention is paid to the responsibility of all participants in the editorial process.


1. Responsibility of the authors


Originality of the study

The main feature of a scientific article is originality. Special cases of violation of the principle of originality are:

  • plagiarism – the intentional attribution of authorship of someone else’s work or the use of someone else’s work in their papers without reference to the author; plagiarism refers to both verbatim reproduction and a couple of phrases;
  • simultaneous submission of articles to several journals;
  • re-publication of the article or a significant part of it, including translation from another language. Exceptions are articles which are based on materials published in conference proceedings

The author of the article must make sure that the original research is submitted for publication. When using works or statements of other authors, appropriate bibliographic references or extracts should be provided. Plagiarism in any form is unethical behavior and is unacceptable.


Data reliability

The reliability of the articles is the responsibility of the author: he/she is responsible for both the complete and error-free presentation of data, and for an objective discussion of the data. Falsification and fabrication of data are gross violations of scientific ethics and are unacceptable.



The authorship indicated in the article should correspond to the real contribution to scientific research and article writing. It is necessary to avoid the “guest authorship” (indicating the authorship of the person who did not participate in the research and writing of the article) and “ghost authorship” (lack of indicating the authorship of the person who made a significant contribution to the research and writing of the article).

All authors should read the final version of the article and be responsible for all its content.



Citation should be used in all cases when the article uses previously published data, results or demonstrations (both of authors and borrowed ones). If possible, always refer to the source, and not to the secondary work.

Using citation as a method of “cheating indicators” of the author, journal or organization is unethical.


2. Responsibility of the editorial board


Decision for publishing

The editor decides on the publication of the article and is responsible for this decision. In this case, the editor is guided, first of all, by the scientific significance of the article, as well as by the correspondence of the text to the theme and requirements of this journal. The editor’s decision should not be affected by the author’s place of work, his/her official position, as well as race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship or political preferences.



The editor is responsible for maintaining confidentiality when reviewing articles, in particular:

  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts in question should not be passed on to third parties (other than the reviewer and editors involved in peer reviewing this article) and cannot be used for personal gain.
  • The identity of the reviewer and the author remain undisclosed until the decision on the publication of the article is made.


Conflict of interest

Editors should recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts (namely, contact another editor or cooperate with other members of the Editorial Board when considering work instead of self-reviewing and decision making) in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relations with authors, companies and possibly other organizations related to manuscript. Also, when appointing a reviewer, the editor must take into account the existence of a conflict of interest.


3. Responsibility of reviewers


Manuscript evaluation

Peer review is based on mutual respect of the author and reviewer, implies their equality as participants in the scientific process. The main purpose of the review is to assess the scientific value of the article and the compliance of the article with the general requirements for scientific work. The objective of the comments made in the review is to improve the quality of the article. Comments and recommendations should be clearly reasoned and based on objective data.



The reviewer is obliged to keep secret the content of the article under review before it is published; he/she cannot show or transmit the article to third parties without the appropriate permission of the editorial board.


Conflict of interest

The reviewer should refuse to consider the manuscript in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relations with authors, companies and, possibly, other organizations associated with the manuscript.

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