Information Systems and Technologies
Information Systems and Technologies
Scientific and Technical Journal
Published since 2002. Issued 6 times a year.
Editor-in-Chief: Konstantinov Igor Sergeevich.
The goals and objectives of the journal
Information systems and technologies – is a scientific and technical, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to current issues and research in the field of information systems and information technologies, as well as related scientific fields. The goals and objectives of the journal are to provide opportunities for publishing new research results on urgent issues to the international scientific community and familiarizing a wide range of readers from scientists and area experts them with.
Thematic sections (headings)
- Mathematical and software of computers and automated systems;
- Mathematical and computer modeling;
- Information technologies in socio-economic and organizational-technical systems;
- Automation and management of technological processes and production;
- Telecommunication systems and computer networks;
- Information security.
Publication frequency
The journal has been published since 2002, 6 issues per year.
Peer review
An expert assessment of manuscripts is required in the journal – there is an institute for peer reviewing. The journal reviews all materials submitted to the editorial board for the purpose of their expert assessment. At the same time, a mixed type of review is applied by the editor-in-chief, deputy editors-in-chief of subject areas, members of the publishing board or the editorial board. The editorial board of the journal sends to the authors of the submitted materials copies of the reviews, a reasoned refusal or suggestions for finalizing the materials to the required level.
Publication fee
Publishing in a journal for authors is free. The editorial board does not charge authors for the preparation, placement and printing of materials.
Journal subscription
- Subscription index in the unified catalogue «Press of Russia»: 15998.
- The site of the journal «Information Systems and Technologies»:
- It is possible to subscribe to the journal on the «Press of Russia» catalogue.
- Full-text electronic version is available by subscription on the website of the scientific library
Mass Media Registration
ISSN 2072-8964
Date and number of certificate of mass media registration: PI No. FS 77-47350 on November 3, 2011.
The founder and publisher of the journal
The founder and publisher of the journal «Information Systems and Technologies» is the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (OSU)
302026, Orel region, Orel, Komsomolskaya st., 95
Тел.: +7 (4862) 777-318
Editorial office contact information
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev»
Адрес редакции: 302020, Orel, Naugorskoye schosse, 40 (send mail correspondence to the specified address to Natalia Fedorova).
Phone: +79102040534