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The Journal Agricultural Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) is an scholarly edition intended for publication of research results as well as for communication among scholars, university academic staff, postgraduate students, and leading professionals of the relevant industries

The Journal is intended for the publication of materials reflecting the main trends of the development of agricultural machinery and technologies, farm machinery maintenance, electric engineering techniques, organization of engineering systems in the rural sector, as well as teaching and training methods used in professional and vocational training.

The main objective of the Journal is to provide comprehensive and objective information for scholars and professionals in various fields and branches of agriculture.

Preference is given to papers reflecting innovative research methods and progressive technologies that reveal promising trends for the development of science and technology.

The authors of the submitted materials are academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, leading professors and scientists of Russian and international agricultural universities and research and development centres. Papers submitted by postgraduate students are published free of charge.

Papers and materials are published as they are submitted. When quoting the materials of the Journal, proper references are required. Reprinting of materials is allowed only upon the consent of the Editorial Board and authors. All the materials published in the Journal are peer-reviewed. The reviewing procedure is determined by the Editorial Board and is not discussed with the authors.

In case of rejection of a paper, its author receives a reasoned paper decline letter. The Editorial Board has the right to independently solve the case of the relevance of papers to the subject areas of the Journal and its sections. Each issue of the Journal contains requirements for publications.

The Journal is managed by the Editorial Council, the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board is headed by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board determines the subject areas and working principles of the Journal, forms a portfolio of materials, edits selected materials and decides on their publication.

Founder and publisher is Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev

The relationships between the Journal and the University are based on the principles of editorial independence. Editors take decisions on the publication of submitted papers only on the basis of their quality and compliance with the subject areas of the Journal without any influence from the University.

The Journal is available in Russian and international databases, and seeks to expand the availability of its publications in still a wider range of the leading international databases.

The Journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the research results from theses for PhD and DSc degrees. 

The Journal is indexed, among other databases, in AGRIS (Agricultural Research Information System), as well as in Russian Science Citation Index to access full-text versions of papers at: http://elibrary.ru/contents.asp?titleid=8505

The Journal is indexed in:

The certificate of registration of mass media No. ФС 77-78053 of the 20th of March,  2020.
Copies: 500 copies. Frequency: 6 issues per year. 

Distributed by subscription. 
Index in the joint catalog "Press of Russia" - 42252. 

Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

ISSN (Print) 2687-1149

ISSN (Online) 2687-1130


Русский | English

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