The XIX-th International Scientific Practical Conference “Energy and Resource Saving – XXI Century” ( ISPC–2021)
Ministry of Science and HIGHER Education of the Russian Federation
Orel Region Government
Academy of Electrical and Technical Science of the Russian Federation
Orel City Government
University of Paderborn (Germany)
FGBOU VO “Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev”
FGBOU VO “Altai State Technical University
named after I.I. Polzunov”
Department of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving
(FGBOU VO “Orel State University named after I.S.Turgenev”)
The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference " ENERGY AND RESOURCES SAVING -XXI CENTURY" (ISPC -2021), which will be held in a remote format on November 10-12, 2021 on the basis of the ORYOL STATE UNIVERSITY named after I.S. TURGENEV
This year, two possible publication options are provided for the authors of articles (reports) :
- in the proceedings of the ISPC -2021 conference (RSCI, DOI);
- in a special issue of the international journal of the 3rd quartile of IOP (Great Britain, SCOPUS).
The selection of articles for publication in both cases is carried out by the organizing committee, taking into account the results of an independent expert examination.
Detailed information is available on the conference website
Please note that due to the possibility of indexing publications in the current year, the terms of acceptance of materials and payment are regulated:
- RSCI, DOI until November 01, 2021;
- international journal of the 3rd IOP quartile until October 20, 2021.
The Aims of the Conference
- development and popularization of the latest achievements in science, technology and advanced experience of introduction of energy- and resource saving and digital technologies in the field of electric-power and electrical engineering
- scientific and technical information exchange, business contact establishment between native and foreign professionals and companies.
Directions of the Conference
- . Issues of energy- and resource saving and safety facility and city area management
- Energy effectiveness of power supply systems and their development lines
- Energy saving electro-technological processes and equipment
- Energy saving machine building technologies and equipment
- Energy- and resource saving in agro-industrial complex
- Informational and metrological issues of energy saving
- Intellectual technologies and automated control systems in effective energy and resource saving processes.
- Digital technologies as a means of increasing the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources.
General provisions
Teachers and staff of departments, postgraduates, scientific and technical workers of problem laboratories of universities, research institutes, industrial enterprises, organizations and institutions working in the field of design, research and implementation of energy-and resource-saving, as well as digital technologies in various sectors of the economy are invited to participate in the international scientific and practical conference. Students' reports are accepted for participation in the conference only if the supervisor is a co-author.
The requirements (design, structure, volume, originality, etc.) to the materials of the reports sent by the authors to the organizing committee for participation in ISPC-2021 (in Russian) and for the international journal IOP (in Russian and English) can be found on the conference website .
The cost of publication in electronic form:
- in the Proceedings of ISPC - 2021 (RSCI, DOI) - 150 rubles, page A4 (volume not less than 4 pages);
- in the international journal IOP (SCOPUS) - 12000 rubles (from 8 to 10 pages).
The reports intended for publication in the special issue of the international IOP journal, but rejected by independent reviewers, can be published in the Proceedings of ISPC-2021 (RSCI, DOI) by the decision of the Organizing Committee, with the consent of the authors and appropriate revision.
The payment for publication of materials should be transferred to the settlement account indicated on the website of the conference:
95 Komsomolskaya St., Orel, Russia, 302026, Department of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev", tel: (4862) 41-98-53, (4862) 41-98-30, E-mail: ;
Chernyshov Vadim Alekseevich - Secretary of Organizing Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev". E-mail:
Korenkov Dmitriy Andreevich - Secretary of Program Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Electrical Equipment and Energy Saving Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev". E-mail:
Lunev Roman Alexeevich - Secretary of the Technical Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Information Systems and Digital Technologies Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "OSU named after I.S. Turgenev". E-mail:
- S. Blyumin, professor, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Lipetsk)
- L. Vasileva, Ph.D in pedagogical sciences (Cheboksary)
- D. Dorokhov, Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
- A.V. Novozhilova, associate professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Arkhangelsk)
- P. . Arkhipov , Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
- Y.N. Kondrashova, associate professor, Ph.D in technical sciences ( Magnitogorsk)
- M.O. Loshkarev (Dmitrovsk, Oryol region)
- T.G. Koroleva, associate professor, Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
- Y. Zakharov (Moscow)
- N. Kachanov (Oryol)