ITNOP - 2020 → Participants


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  • Tatyana Evgenievna Smolentseva, Ph.D in technical sciences (Moscow)
    MIREA-Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA), candidate of technical sciences
  • Oksana Vladimirovna Konukhova, Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
    Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Associate Professor at the Department of Software engineering
  • Evgeniya Vitalievna Bolgova, Ph.D in technical sciences (Belgorod)
    NRU “BelSU”, Associate Professor
  • Elena Nesterova, кандидат наук (Belgorod)
    Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education ”Belgorod State University”, Associate Professor
  • Aleksander Zhikharev, Ph.D in technical sciences (Belgorod)
    Belgorod National Research University, professor
  • Vladimir Uskov, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Voronezh)
    Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Assistant Lecturer
  • Lidiya Aleksandrovna Kovaleva, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Belgorod)
    Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research Uni, lecturer
  • Gleb Sergeevich Vasilyev, Ph.D in technical sciences (Murom)
    Belgorod National Research University, research fellow of the Institute of engineering technologies and natural sciences
  • Vyacheslav Florinskiy, Ph.D in physical and mathematical sciences (Belgorod)
    FIT, Data Scientist
  • Paul Arkhipov, Ph.D in technical sciences (Orel)
    OB FRC CSC RAS, Orel, director