Ученая степень: кандидат наук

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  • Raisa Yuryeva , Ph.D in medical sciences (St.Petersburg)
    Rehabilitation Center for the children with movement and mental difficulty , methodical specialist
  • Denis Shadrin, Ph.D in pedagogical sciences (St. Petersburg)
    FSEI НЕ «Lesgaft NSU, St. Petersburg», docent
  • NATALIA W. CHARKINA, Ph.D in pedagogical sciences (OREL)
    OGU, professor
  • Yulia Victorovna Ushacheva, Ph.D in pedagogical sciences (Orel city)
    Orlovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni I.S. Turgeneva, docent
  • Tatyana Viktorovna Goltsova, Ph.D in psychological sciences (Orel)
    Fgbou VO "OSU named after I. S. Turgenev", associate Professor of the Department of technologies of psychological-pedagogical and special education
  • Antonina Ivanovna Pavlova, кандидат наук (Еagle)
    BPOU OO "mezenskogo teachers College", head of the methodological Cabinet
  • , кандидат наук
Русский | English

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Conference members :
  • Total: 127
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